Bidding opens November 14th to November 19th
Block 23 - Item 4

This shows the bid history for the selected block and item.

Date/TimeBidder IDBid Amount
11/14 06:55:32AM49782$1.00
11/14 08:35:59AM18223$102.00
11/15 08:01:05PM89905$112.00
11/15 08:01:29PM89905$122.00
11/15 08:37:43PM05553$126.00
11/15 08:38:05PM05553$130.00
11/15 08:38:24PM05553$134.00
11/15 08:39:14PM89905$154.00
11/15 08:39:31PM89905$162.00
11/15 08:40:54PM89905$200.00
11/15 08:50:44PM89905$202.00
11/17 09:07:28AM05553$222.00
11/17 09:07:56AM05553$250.00
11/17 09:08:13AM05553$255.00
11/19 04:45:15PM02124$265.00
11/19 04:46:04PM02124$275.00
11/19 06:59:36PM11967$280.00