Bidding opens November 14th to November 19th
Block 61 - Item 4

This shows the bid history for the selected block and item.

Date/TimeBidder IDBid Amount
11/14 07:47:46AM17651$1.00
11/14 09:20:40AM18223$11.00
11/14 11:49:03AM17202$14.00
11/14 11:49:10AM17202$16.00
11/14 11:54:25AM17202$21.00
11/14 11:54:34AM17202$26.00
11/14 11:54:50AM17202$31.00
11/14 11:54:57AM17202$36.00
11/14 11:55:03AM17202$41.00
11/14 11:55:19AM17202$46.00
11/14 11:55:26AM17202$52.00
11/14 11:55:33AM17202$56.00
11/14 11:55:41AM17202$62.00
11/14 11:55:48AM17202$66.00
11/14 11:56:09AM17202$70.00
11/14 11:56:20AM17202$72.00
11/15 11:22:42AM88082$76.00
11/15 04:28:01PM27335$82.00
11/17 01:22:41PM23917$85.00
11/19 06:31:05PM14126$86.00