Bidding opens November 14th to November 19th
Block 64 - Item 1

This shows the bid history for the selected block and item.

Date/TimeBidder IDBid Amount
11/14 08:37:06AM78436$1.00
11/14 11:08:08AM00793$52.00
11/14 11:08:25AM00793$62.00
11/14 11:08:36AM00793$102.00
11/14 11:08:47AM00793$106.00
11/14 11:08:55AM00793$110.00
11/14 11:09:01AM00793$114.00
11/16 06:54:38AM04373$126.00
11/16 06:55:08AM04373$154.00
11/17 11:06:06AM12566$320.00
11/17 11:06:23AM12566$405.00
11/19 08:17:39PM66624$500.00
11/19 08:18:02PM66624$510.00
11/19 08:34:23PM66624$510.00
11/19 08:56:30PM12566$560.00
11/19 08:59:31PM66624$600.00
11/19 08:59:45PM66624$610.00