Bidding opens November 14th to November 19th
Block 67 - Item 1

This shows the bid history for the selected block and item.

Date/TimeBidder IDBid Amount
11/14 07:00:48AM42017$1.00
11/14 07:24:14AM42404$6.00
11/14 07:24:33AM42404$11.00
11/14 07:24:44AM42404$21.00
11/14 07:25:00AM42404$52.00
11/14 07:42:00AM22971$56.00
11/14 07:42:11AM22971$62.00
11/14 07:42:43AM22971$66.00
11/14 08:07:06AM32627$202.00
11/14 08:11:16AM42017$405.00
11/14 08:11:44AM42017$510.00
11/14 08:15:02AM18150$610.00
11/14 09:50:37AM11113$800.00
11/14 09:50:48AM11113$810.00
11/17 04:18:21PM04766$830.00
11/17 04:19:28PM04766$850.00
11/17 04:20:49PM04766$870.00
11/17 04:21:05PM04766$900.00
11/17 04:21:22PM04766$910.00